Let's accelerate your career!
Sales are every company's lifeblood. Without sales, great ideas will remain at the drawing boards and business potential will remain unfulfilled.
VAEKST exists to help the innovators of the world create sales that scale. We believe sustainable B2B growth is driven by strong customer relationships that are built on great first impressions and personal connections.
Driven by people and powered by technology, our mission is to lead B2B sales development in the Nordics. Shaped by our sales philosophy of ‘less talking, more listening’, we create sales through respect, innovation and encouragement.
Alexander Holst
Project Manager
Corinne Cotteverte
Project Manager
André Breumsø
Project Manager
Mik Lokdam
CEO & Co-Founder
3 Words Describing VAEKST
Job Opportunities
Danish Business Development Internship - Full time Business Development · Copenhagen
Danish Business Development Consultant - Part-time Business Development · Copenhagen
Danish Business Development Consultant - Full-time Business Development · Copenhagen
Swedish Business Development Consultant - Part-time Business Development · Malmö
Swedish Business Development Consultant - Full-time Business Development · Malmö
Norwegian Business Development Consultant - Part-time Business Development · Copenhagen
Why spend your time at VAEKST?
Flexible working hours
Time is precious. Make it count. Studying hard or hardly studying, this job is for you.
Free friday beers
Friday is something special, let's enjoy a beer together. -
Skill development
We want to take you from good to great.
What is it like to work here?
VAEKST provides Sales-as-a-Service to B2B brands. We accelerate sales pipelines by generating leads, executing outbound sales campaigns and gathering customer insights in the Nordics.
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